Weed management

Seasonal weeds and Perennial weeds
(temporis zizania and zizania perennis)

When it comes to weed removal in the context of pressure cleaning, it is important to consider environmentally friendly methods. Using chemicals may effectively kill weeds, but it can also harm the surrounding plants and wildlife. Instead, opt for natural alternatives such as hand removal or targeted pressure cleaning techniques.


Understanding the difference between seasonal and perennial weeds is crucial for effective weed removal. Seasonal weeds grow and die within one growing season, while perennial weeds persist year after year.


Knowing which type of weed you are dealing with can help determine the most appropriate removal method and prevent future regrowth.


The removal of weeds is all included in the service, however, once an area has been restored, it is crucial to deal with any weeds as they appear with a squirt of a non carcinogenic weed killer like Weedol ™.


This can be done by the customer to maintain the area, this will increase the longevity of there paving and save on massive replacement costs, weeds can return in a matter of weeks after cleaning in some cases!


Hand Removal

One method we use is hand removal, which is a labour-intensive but environmentally friendly method of getting rid of weeds. It involves physically pulling out the weeds from the roots, ensuring that they won't grow back. This method is especially useful for small areas or gardens where precision is required to protect desired plants.


Although a commercial pressure cleaning system can remove up to 95% of the weeds, not all the roots will be eliminated, in addition seeds will eventually make there way back on to the surface over time, this is why it is key for customers to stay on top of the weeds once the area has gone through a restoration.

Weed torch

A weed torch is a powerful tool we use for weed removal, operating at temperatures of about 2000 degrees. It is equipped with a shielded flame trolley, ensuring safety during operation. 


This tool allows for precise weed removal, targeting unwanted plants without damaging the surrounding vegetation.


One of the key benefits of using a weed torch is its ability to effectively turn weeds into organic potash, which is good for the environment and the organic potash is a great source of potassium, which is an essential nutrient for plants


The intense heat, bursts the weeds' capillaries, preventing sap from rising and effectively killing the roots. This ensures long-term weed control and prevents regrowth.


By utilizing a weed torch prior to pressure cleaning, you can efficiently and environmentally-friendly remove weeds from your garden or outdoor spaces.

Its high temperature and targeted approach make it a valuable tool for removing weeds without the need for harmful chemicals.


Weed Killer

We use and recommend something like Weedol , most importantly it is NOT carcinogenic, it works by stimulating the weeds’ growth hormone and causing the plants’ cells to grow much faster than they can sustain. As a result, the weeds grow fairly quickly, but the cells can no longer sustain themselves, the cell walls then start to collapse, and the weeds start to wilt and die off, 


Weedol Lawn Weedkiller does not contain Glyphosate, making it safe to use on lawns as well.

This selective herbicide effectively kills stubborn weed varieties like dandelion, clover, and daisies without burning turfgrass.


Your dogs and cats can safely play on a lawn and other areas treated with Weedol products once it dries up, but always check the label.


However, it still shouldn’t be used near ponds, close to ponds or natural water sources, these chemicals can be dangerous to aquatic life, also it is advised that pets and children are kept away whilst application is taking place and until dry (Approx. 1 hour).


Moss, algae, black and white lichen

Moss, algae, and black and white lichen are common nuisances in the context of weed control.


These organisms have the ability to thrive in moist and shady areas, often causing unsightly appearances on various surfaces. When left unattended, they can quickly spread and create an unappealing environment.


To effectively control and remove moss, algae, and lichen, it is essential to employ proper weed management techniques.


The pressure cleaning process will remove all moss, algae and white lichen, however black lichen spores can persist after the pressure cleaning process, the black lichen is treated with a Sodium Hypochlorite soft wash, this kills and removes any remaining stubborn stains and black lichen.


Under Pressure Exterior Cleaning
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