Under Pressure - Risk Assessments

Risk assessments play a crucial role in the context of pressure washing.

Under Pressure carries out a thorough risk assessment before commencing any pressure washing task, potential hazards can be identified and appropriate measures can be implemented to ensure the safety of workers and the public.


Pressure washing involves the use of high-pressure water jets, which can pose various risks if not properly managed.

A risk assessment helps to identify potential dangers such as slips and falls, electrical hazards, chemical exposure, and equipment malfunctions.


Furthermore, a risk assessment allows for the implementation of control measures to minimize or eliminate these risks. This may include providing appropriate personal protective equipment, ensuring proper training and supervision of workers, and maintaining equipment in good working condition.


Regularly reviewing and updating risk assessments is also essential, as new hazards may arise or existing ones may change over time. By prioritizing risk assessments, pressure washing companies can create a safe working environment, prevent accidents and injuries, and ultimately protect the well-being of everyone involved.

Under Pressure Exterior Cleaning
Professional, Reliable Experts for all your Exterior Cleaning needs

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