Green alkanet


Hairy-leaved perennial to 80cm with bright blue flower clusters in late spring and early summer. Persists by brittle tap roots. Spreads by seed.

Herb bennet

Wood Avens

Rosette-forming perennial with rounded leaf tips. Yellow buttercup-like flowers held above to 60cm. Spreads by root fragments and seed.

Couch Grass

Twitch, Scutch

Blades of grass in clumps. Thin wiry white perennial roots, often banded. Quickly forms dense mats just below surface level.


Morning glory, convolvulus

Twinning perennial climber. White trumpet flowers in summer. Fleshy cream roots run deep and can regrow from small sections.

Japanese knotweed

Invasive Perennial

Tall, bamboo-like perennial with tasselled cream flowers and fleshy pink-tinged stems. Spreads by invasive roots: note that disposal of this plant is covered by environmental legislation.

Ground elder

Bishop’s weed, gout weed 

Leaves appear in spring. Lacy flowers in summer. Stems to 45cm. Creates shallow, perennial carpets of thin white roots.


Wood sorrel, shamrock 

Clover-like, often red-tinged leaves. Small yellow or pink flowers. Fleshy persistent perennial root. Spreads by explosive seeds, bulbils and rooting stems.

Lesser celandine


Glossy leaves in spring only. Yellow starry flowers to 5cm. Bulbous roots and perennial bulbs break off and spread. Also seeds.

Enchanter’s nightshade 

Invasive Perennial

Grows to 60cm with opposite leaves. Flower spikes of small white flowers and pink buds. Spreads by brittle white perennial roots.


Sticky willie, Goose grass

Long sprawling annual to 1m with whorls of slim leaves. Insignificant white flowers, green hairy seeds produced in large quantities.

Herb Robert 

 Red robin, Storksbill 

Pink flowers, red-tinged stems and lacy foliage from a central rosette. Strong musty smell. Annual to 30cm. Spreads by seed.


 Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress)

Annual rosettes of small rounded leaflets. Flower spikes to 10cm of small white flowers. Spreads by explosive seedpods.

Creeping buttercup 


Yellow flowers and divided leaves often spotted white. Spreads by seed and colonises by rooting stems making thick, perennial mats.


Urtica dioica, U. urens

Two similar kinds, both have green flowers and toothed-edged leaves with stinging hairs. Spread by seed and creeping roots.

Creeping thistle


Perennial that spreads out by deep roots and readily seeds. Spiny leaves rise from rosettes. Lilac flowers in summer.

Rosebay Willowherb


Ornamental spires topped with purple flowers in summer. Invasive perennial. Spreads by surface roots and fluffy seed from long pods.

Common chickweed

Winter weed, chickenwort

Mat–forming, readily rooting annual. Small green leaves, white starry flowers. Produces lots of seeds over a long season..



Fir tree-like plants in summer to 60cm. Invades by deep, perennial roots and root fragments and by spores from spring growth.


Broad-leaved dock and curled dock

Tapered or broad leaved. Flower spikes in summer. Perennial, deep growing, forked tap roots. Lots of seed produced.

Annual meadow grass

Causeway grass, spear grass

Clumps of narrow-bladed, low-growing annual grass in paths, lawns and borders. Short pale white flower spikes produce lots of seed.

Daisy – Bellis Perennis

The Daisy is one of the most common and recognisable lawn and turf weeds in gardens in the UK. It can grow in almost any soil conditions and spreads by short runners called stolons. It is a perennial weed which means it lasts for several years. It has very fleshy round leaves which can grow very close to the ground meaning that it can survive in close mown lawns.

 White Clover Trifoliumrepens

A very recognisable weed found in lawns and turf. White Clover is a perennial weed meaning that it returns year after year. This low growing weed has creeping runners that travel along the surface and can quickly colonise a lawn and choke out the grass in a short period of time.

Dandelion Taraxacumofficinale

The Dandelion is a common perennial weed that forms a large flat rosette. It is a perennial plant but spreads readily from seed, germinating throughout the year. It has a long stout tap root which makes it very difficult to pull out of the ground successfully. The Dandelion leaves which have many health benefits are long and fleshy with characteristic teeth and can grow to a significant size.

Birds-Foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus

Birds-foot trefoil is a perennial lawn weed and is also a member of the clover family. It can be a major problem on UK lawns as it forms large patches, it has a deep root system and spreads by both stolons and rhizomes (above and underground runners)
Like clover, the leaf has 3 leaflets on a short stalk with two more leaflets at the base of the stalk which can grow knee high if left alone.

 Yarrow Achillea Millefolium

Yarrow is a perennial weed, common weed on all types of lawns and turf in the UK. It has deep fibrous roots and can withstand droughty conditions.

It spreads by creeping stems which root at intervals. It is generally seen later in the year and the deep root system also gives it the benefit of being able to survive dry conditions. The leaves are fern like in appearance making it very easy to identify.

 Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis

Scarlet Pimpernel is an annual weed meaning that it only lasts one year, fresh plants need to grow from seed. This means it is rarely a threat to a well maintained lawn. The leaves are very similar to Common Chickweed but can be identified by its square stems and red flower.

The distinct flowers of Scarlet Pimpernel can be seen from June – September. Each flower has five petals and are an orange – red colour.

 Selfheal Prunella vulgaris

Selfheal is a common weed on all types of lawn throughout the UK. This perennial weed spreads by creeping runners known as rhizomes, which root at intervals. It can quite happily grow in closely mown areas of turf although if left alone, it will grow to a height of 30cm and produce an attractive plant. This plant can thrive in most conditions, the leaves appear in pars and in closely mown areas, they may have a purple ting.

Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastiumvulgatum

Mouse-ear Chickweed is a perennial weed and is very common on lawns throughout in the UK. It can be very annoying as it can spread very rapidly, smothering grass in the process. It can easily survive close mowing but can be controlled with selective herbicides. The small dark green leaves are distinctive in that they are very hairy

The flowers are very small and upright and white in colour appearing from late spring up to autumn..

Cats Ear Hypochaerisradicata

Cats Ear is a perennial weed with a deep taproot. It is very common and can be a major problem on lawns throughout in the UK as it will tolerate close mowing. The leaves look very much like a stunted dandelion and are often close to the soil. The plant flowers throughout the summer with the long stems producing one or two bright yellow flowers. This plant is found more often on drier soils.

 Creeping Cinquefoil Potentillareptans

Creeping Cinquefoil is a perennial weed, more common on neglected lawns and turf in the UK. It is rarely a problem on well maintained lawns. It spreads by creeping stems which root at intervals.

The leaves are distinctive with five different segments with toothed edges. The flowers are yellow, again with five large fleshy petals which are visible from June to October.

Greater Plantain Plantago Major

Greater Plantain is a common weed on all types of lawn throughout the UK. It has a deep root system making it drought resistant and the flat rosette of substantial leaves, kills the grass underneath.

 Slender Speedwell Veronica Filiformis

Slender Speedwell is a perennial weed which can be a persistent problem on lawns throughout the UK. It spreads by both underground and over ground runners. Control can be achieved with current chemicals but this needs correct timing and adjuvants. Slender Speedwell is more of a problem in closely mown turf than Germander Speedwell.

Germander Speedwell Veronica

Germander Speedwell is a perennial weed also known as Bird’s-eye Speedwell. The leaves are kidney shaped and have prominent veins. The flowers can be seen between mid to late June.

Germander Speedwell can survive in all soil types but it is most common in damper conditions.

Lesser Celandine [Ranunculusficaria]

Lesser Celandine is usually one of the most prominent weeds seen early in the spring. The flower is one of the first to show among lawn weeds but the plant soon disappears as the weather warms up. This is difficult to control in a permanent sense as it needs to be hit early each year to weaken it. More commonly found in darker shady areas. The leaves are fleshy and dark green, very easily recognised.

 Ribwort Plantain Plantagolanceolata

Very similar to greater plantain in habit and location albeit the leaves are long and thin. Again, this plant is very drought tolerant and it can cause unsightly patches, easy however to remove using the correct selective herbicides.

Doves-Foot Cranesbill [Geranium Molle]

Doves-foot cranesbill is an annual plant which is a geranium,  it prefers dry soils and is common on lawns throughout the UK. The flowers are a pretty pink or red and commonly seen in late spring and summer.

 Red Clover [Trifoliumpratense]

Red Clover is a perennial weed found on all types of lawn lawns throughout in the UK. Being larger than white clover, it is more noticeable in lawns as it tends to grow more upright, hence it is more noticeable. The flowers and leaves are larger than those of white clover. Red Clover flowers from May to October.

Common Ragwort [Seneciojacobaea]

Ragwort is rarely a problem on fine lawns but is more common on low maintenance and neglected lawns. It is a biennial weed meaning that it produces lots of leaf in year one with the aim to produce a significant number of flowers in year two. It is not difficult to control in lawns.

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